World News


Viewing archived items for June 2004

Jovian Delegate Revived, Preparing For Diplomatic Journey

By Svarthol

The Jovian Directorate yesterday issued a statement claiming its Extra-Racial Liaison, Misu Baniya, has undergone molecular reconstruction and is on the road to recovery. The statement also affirmed the Directorate's gratitude towards the dedicated masses of pilots who coordinated their efforts in order to collect the necessary amount of biological material required for the reconstruction. Baniya is expected to begin a diplomatic tour of the galaxy cluster early next week.

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Federation Seeks Information on Suspected UDI Operatives

By Svarthol

The Federal Intelligence Office in a press release today stated that, according to an order handed down from Office HQ yesterday, the Federation will start giving out cash rewards for information potentially leading to the capture of several suspected UDI agents reported to be operating out of Gallente space. According to the release, any sightings of the following personnel are to be reported immediately to FIO Deputy Director Deverin Gonate: Garenis Toleitaane Honadone Neartavis Kolipon Vaneed...

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Pirate activity surges, DED considers its options

By Svarthol

After many meager months it seems that pirate activity is on the rise again. News agencies are being flooded with reports that pirates, emboldened by recent overhaul in their command structure and new ships, are now operating close to stargates, harassing unsuspecting spacefarers. DED recently warned about this possibility, citing that the confidence of all the major pirate groups are soaring, which naturally results in bolder attacks by them.

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New frigates in the outer regions a cause for concern

By Svarthol

Several travelers in the outer regions have recently reported spotting new frigates of advanced design in the outer regions, piloted by known brigands. These news tie in with earlier reports by DED that pirate factions are receiving substantial aid from inside the empires, something that has undoubtedly been going on for a considerable time.

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Jovians gather body parts from empires

By Svarthol

Cloaked Jovian convoys have traveled into empire space and gathered the thousands of body parts that the empires collected yesterday. The Jovians, eager to collect enough parts to be able to reconstruct Misu Baniya, jumped on the offer presented to them by the empires for the latter to organize the collection of the myriad small pieces of Baniya's body.

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