Interstellar Correspondents


Viewing archived items for August 2017

Clash in 7G-QIG

By ISD Khiara Delvort

The Imperium is a large coalition comprised of multiple alliances led by Goonswarm Federation. The coalition currently resides in the Delve region of null security space. Since they moved into Delve, they have been mining constantly using the powerful Rorqual-class industrial capital to eat their way through asteroid belts all over the region. The Rorqual while it is an important asset for any mining fleet, can also be a hindrance.

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First Wormhole Keepstar Destroyed

By ISD Khiara Delvort

The Keepstar-class citadel is the most sought-after citadel in the whole of New Eden. Developed by Upwell Consortium they are extremely powerful but come with a very large price tag. A Keepstar will cost you around 200 billion ISK and are the only structure large enough to dock Super carriers and Titans.

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