OCEANUS: Knowledge is power, and Oceanus puts the power in your hands with new notifications, visual effects and more intuitive tooltips. Challenging missions and additional features round out the release.

Full details and feature info are available here

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Watch the latest In Development video to find out more about the Oceanus release.

French localization

Francophones, go native

The EVE Online community spans the globe. In our continuous effort to support our international playerbase, we are proud to announce localization for our French-speaking pilots.


Always more betterer than before

No technology left behind. As the EVE universe evolves, so must everything in it.

  • Interdictors and Interceptors get a balance pass
  • Named modules reviewed and updated
  • Cloaking gains slick new sights and sounds.

EVE Online: Keeping your game current since 2003


Caveats in color

The mystery of wormholes will draw you into dark unknown, but celestial cues prepare you for what lies ahead. Colors within the wormhole signal the maximum ship size that can pass through. Once inside, distinct nebulae patterns will alert you to the level of danger you may face within that area of unknown space. Heed the signs and plan accordingly. Fly safe, pilot!

New Eden Store

View excellence from every angle

Your discerning tastes demand a personalized look. Inspect each item of interest using the New Eden Store 3D Preview. Browse assured. Buy with confidence.

Empire faction jackets have arrived in the New Eden Store. Wear your team’s colors with pride!


Burner missions just got hotter

Fans of small-ship combat love the new Burner Missions, so we’ve upped the ante by adding more. Prepare for assault frigate challenges, occasionally peppered with henchmen to spice things up.

tools & improvements

Building a better future

Your avatar is out there fighting the good fight for you, and we’ve got new ways to help you help them.

  • Market item descriptions on hover
  • CIDER performance updates for our Mac client users
  • New interface sounds and audible alerts
  • An advanced notification system to keep you abreast of important character, ship and station changes.

EFT Format Support

Import ship loadouts from your favorite site, directly into EVE Online. EVE Fitting Tool (EFT) format, a common format used on several popular fansites and killboards, can now be copied to clipboard and imported to the game. Experiment with new builds!

More information on the features in this release can be found here. Full patch notes will be available here on 30 September.


The oceanus theme song

There's a new tune for each release, and Oceanus treats you to its personal theme early. Click and enjoy.



Coming in Oceanus on September 30th

Hello capsuleers! We are gearing up for the next release coming to EVE Online on September 30th, and this is the feature overview blog. After Oceanus we have two more releases to go this year: Phoebe on November 4th, and Rhea on December 9th. Here are the features we are bringing you with the Oceanus release: EVE Online in French Oceanus brings French language support to EVE Online– and new Frenc...

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