War breaks out in GE-8JV

by ISD Eumaios Thelousses
GE-8JV, Catch - The N3 Coalition, consisting of alliances such as Nulli Secunda [S2N] and Northern Coalition [NC.], made a pre-emptive strike on Against ALL Authorities [.-A-.]’s staging system, GE-8JV, in an attempt to prevent its own space coming under siege as standings are changed.
The initial N3 attack saw them reinforce both the Infrastructure Hub (IHub) and outpost in the system with Sovereignty Blockade Units. On 2nd of November, the IHub exited reinforcement and saw local channel spike to over 3000 pilots as both sides attempted to hold whilst seemingly waiting for capital support.
As of November 3rd, GE-8JV's IHub and outpost have both exited their shield reinforcement timers and have been successfully repaired. Despite this, further hostilities are expected as both sides attempt to show their force should further political escalations between the two occur.
GalNet References
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