Federation Delegation Meeting with Republic Fleet Ordnance Officials and Sanmatar's Military Council

By Lina Ambre

Matar, Pator System – A delegation from the Gallente Federation is to meet with counterparts in the Republic Fleet Ordnance hierarchy before discussing rising security threats affecting both nations with the Sanmatar's Military Council.

Admiral Marin Opelle, head of the Federal Strategic Materiel organization, will meet with General Daviki Rafeyn of Republic Fleet Ordance for talks on sharing survey and extractive techniques data. Of particular note is a tabled session on finalizing rules for the opening of operations to capsuleer freelancers within the mining expeditions controlled by each organization.

Despite these mooted measures, it is understood that operations of the respective organizations open to freelances will not be undertaken in the border conflict zones defined in the CONCORD Emergency War Powers Act, or other low-security systems.

As well as attending talks between the Federal Strategic Materiel delegation and the Republic Fleet Ordnance organization, Admiral Opelle has been invited to a meeting with Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor's Military Council to discuss the rising tide of pirate raids in high-security space. Observers suggest that this unusual meeting of an officer from another empire, albeit allied to the Republic, with the Sanmatar's Military Council underlines the concern shared over the sustained uptick in pirate activity.