The Pre-Election stage has closed and all endorsements have been tallied.
My campaign is focused on being the voice for the small gang PvP groups, solo pilots, and the Faction Warfare groups. What led me to finally pursue a CSM spot is the introduction of Pirate FW, its hype, and its lackluster release, lack of changes, and inability to keep players engaged. I would love to be the voice to spearhead changes, both small and large. I want nothing more than to see Low Sec thrive and to see continued interest from players both new and old.
Some Key Issues
Curb the LP ISK factory that FW has become
Push for changes in mechanics that result in harsher penalties for AWOXing allied militia members
Find meaningful solutions to the flood of FW bot accounts.
Work on mechanics changes that offer meaningful, lasting purposes of pirate faction groups.
Changes to Zarzakh and FOB mechanics
More small to mid size fleet incentives.
Ensure positive industry changes that align across the board for both large and small scale.
Keep low sec moons a haven for content
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