World News


Viewing archived items for January 2011

Sansha Incursion Defeated: Nation Supercarrier Destroyed

By Svarthol

Colelie, Sinq Laison - In the early hours of 28.01.113, Sansha forces were defeated by a mixed fleet of at least 100 capsuleers and a Nation supercarrier was destroyed. This was despite the efforts of Nation loyalists who attempted to defend the Sansha forces by activating smartbombs against the attacking pilots.Sansha forces were first seen in the Parchanier system in the Algintal constellation.

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Capsuleer Outer Region Political Summary

By Svarthol

Y112.12.01 – Y113.01.13 The most visible event for many this period has been the assault launched on the IT Alliance-controlled region of Fountain. This is being headed up by the Goonswarm Federation and Test Alliance Please Ignore (TEST) alliance, with many other allied groups taking part.

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