World News


Viewing archived items for December 2004

Capsuleer Idolatry on the Rise

By Svarthol

In its annual report published yesterday, CONCORD's Communications Regulation Agency (CCRA) revealed a number of intriguing facts about current trends in universal communications. Most notable was the rise in popularity of the GalNet forum, a podium venue for the capsuleer community to bring to light issues of concern to them and their associates.

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The Scope Profile: Mentas Blaque

By Svarthol

The Person: Once described as the most intelligent man in the Federation, but also the most cold-hearted, Mentas Blaque is a political hard-liner of the best, or the worst, sort. It all depends on your perspective. While the Federation has always stood for equality, to Blaque some people are more equal than others.

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The Scope Profile: Souro Foiritan

By Svarthol

The Person: In the three years since taking office, president Souro Foiritan has gone from one controversy to another. But he has an uncanny ability to turn adversity into triumph, emerging stronger every time. The Federation is distinctly multi-cultural and Foiritan has been extremely careful never to pick sides or show too much favoritism to one side over another.

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Support changes expected as sign-up draws to a close

By Svarthol

The candidates for the post of the president of the Gallente Federation are ready to start their hunt for emissaries in earnest. Naturally, all of them want only the very best to act as their emissaries, which prompted them to seek the support of the energetic corporations of the pilot community. The move has met with great success for all the candidates, with dozens of corporations already having declared their support. Now the corporation sign-up phase is drawing to a close, but in the final s...

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Quafe intern in trouble after mystery theft

By Svarthol

A bizarre story has filtered out of the Quafe Company. A large shipment of Quafe recently disappeared from the company's warehouse in the Allamotte system. Dune Mirmueren, a spokesman for the company, has revealed that the disappearance was being treated as a theft, with the prime suspect, and also sole witness, being a lowly intern.

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